Sunday, May 4, 2014

Blue Spring

One of my favorite Solar Seals is  the fourth archtype, Yellow Seed ~ Kan described by Ariel Spilsburg in her Mayan Oracle, "all seeds hold the holographic power of their completion." We've gone from Imix~birth; to Ix~breath; to Akbal~dreams; and now Kan~ flowering.

In just the few days this blog has existed I've learned the difficulty or life span of a flowering!  Know I will continually be working on this site but the unlikelihood of a daily post is becoming a reality.  I hope you will read the Pages which continue to grow.  Each of us have a unique ability to glean our own inspiration from the thoughtful words of others.  We are a complete flower from the day we are conceived.  All we have to do is bloom as the blue flowers of spring:

Chionodoxa luciliae (glory of snow)

It has been a bit of a blue spring as we have waited not so patiently for the earth to warm. Today it seems everything is growing, desperate , more likely determined, to get on with it.  Perhaps we have something to learn ....

mystery lily
These flowers are all in my yard (however the images are from the web!)....and does anyone know exactly what the white flower is...note it does have a white stripe in the leaf??? ...and it has not yet blossomed, just curious.


  1. It's hard to blog every day and have real meaning and passion behind each topic. It's a joy to read your words. Enjoy the process!

  2. not many things I do ..every single day! I was thinking of your daily photo blog for over a year! Great accomplishment, Kres.
