Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Established in Being, Perform Action

A wonderful combination of energies today.  Established in being, perform action, Imix, Red Dragon while affirming ourselves, we embody the highest qualities of internal and social architecture, Crystal Tone 12.

This Seal starts the cycle over again. We are free to shake off any lingering residue from the past few weeks, re-establish who we are. Begin again.  However the tone today, being the high number 12, what they are calling complex stability,  adds the powerful consideration: embody the highest qualities of internal and social architecture.

Marc Chagall ~ I and the Village
Such a powerful statement is likely to leap out at you as it did for me...My life has been a bit bumpy the last few months, a couple of completely irritating incidents. Totally unbecoming language flew from my tongue. Anger lashed out as I sought to defend my point of view.  How frustrating when we lose control of our Being. Guilt, sorrow and more anger ensued as I instantly recognized the impropriety.  One of the difficulties we all share in these kind of situations is ego! Each on our own path! Cooperation is infrequently the focus.  We then have to suddenly regroup, tend only to our own architecture, take small correcting measures to regain a modicum of grace. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

This blog then is a forum to explore once again the meditations and affirmations piled up in books around me. Gather insight, perform action. By creating these writing in a public forum instead of ranting in private journals the time and effort required to compose and edit my thoughts seems to allow for a deeper reflection and a chance at balance.  I trust this endeavor might give you too...a moment of reflection...as we continue toward a better tomorrow! Ahau and Amen.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Master Your Senses

Master your Senses
What you taste and smell,
What you see and what you hear.
In all things be a master
Of what you say and do and think,
Be Free.

Are you quiet?
Quieten your body.
Quieten your mind.
Be of your own efforts.
Waken yourself, watch yourself,
And live joyfully.

Follow the truth of the way. 
Reflect upon it.
Make it your own.
Live it.
It will always sustain you.

         ~from the Dhammapada

Tower of Intention

I may have just a quick note today, it has to do with codes, symbols, repetition of affirmations, Bible verses....

As you will have noticed, I've taken up reading the 13-Moon Calendar.  Today the tone is nine. Without looking at the reference the words came to me "Tower of Intention", the reminder ...what we put our attention on grows stronger in our life.

Ego Above All
No matter what we focus upon, it will begin to influence our everyday thoughts and actions, be it work or play, politics or religion, exercise or couch potato.....How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives.  We are hugely influenced by what we think, see and do...

The key would be to notice and decide....how's that workin' for ya?

One of my favorite affirmations Master Your Senses will be the next separate post.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Harmony of Spring Rain & Twittering

As in song birds not tweets.


I had to repost this piece of artwork (I stole from the post of a FaceBook friend) so you could see it larger as it seems to represent what crossed my mind this morning:

Key word today is Harmony (8): The essence self (5)  plus the energy of the trinity (3).  This particular trinity consisting of one...self or purpose; two...bonded to another or a challenge; three...moving forward into service.

Harmony then is Love Made Visible!

As I listened to the twittering of the truly hundreds of birds in the neighborhood, their songs were not harmonious, they were cacophonous!  So I just listened, felt the light rain on my face and heard a dozen different songs, not competing, certainly not in the harmony of my thinking, but never the less in harmony with the morning dawn.  They were singing in the rain.

Just like this picture originally titled " Burden of Dreams" we have a lot on our minds. We are bombarded from every direction with to do lists, kids schedules, relationship dramas, fantasies, regrets about the past, and worries about the future. We make it nearly impossible to center ourselves in the present and be in harmony with ourselves, let alone those around us.

Orion Nebula
So consider this when a brief moment of mindfulness descends upon you...Allow the twittering to become songs, take a breath of fresh air and imagine humanity, our world and our universe as One. We and our tweets are not the center of the cacophony but a speck within the immensity of the crystal galaxy!

Those wonderful moments when all else falls away and harmony overtakes us,we are... Love Made Visible.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Challenging? No Kidding!

Moving right along with the Mayan Calendar, today's glyph:

Yellow Warrior
"Fearless is not a reduction of fears, but rather the capacity to go beyond fear...discovering fearlessness comes from working with the softness of the human heart."

Now just wait until you read the recommended  approach to accomplishing this.  Honestly if you are looking for a serious belly laugh this should do it because it is quite a list. Naturally all the points are to be well recommended, but talk about Great Expectations!.....here goes:

The spirit of the Yellow Warrior invites us to:
  • access divine guidance
  • circulate fresh analysis of our convictions to assure they represent our truths
  • question our assumptions
  • confront uncharted terrain
  • exercise keen awareness
  • embrace challenge by recognizing is as the ever-present gift of growth
  • understand obstacles as opportunities to strengthen ourselves
  • apply mindfulness, precision, and will
  • question all appearances, reference points and information to gain deeper insight and intelligence
  • question and confront fears in order to release their hold and transcend them
  • apply one-pointed focus and determination cautiously proceeding towards goals while remaining unweighted by expectations
I guess the point of this blog is to express my own reaction to passages which inspire me to carry on and improve, not just exist.  This particular glyph is one of the three that travel with me (you might want to determine your own glyph info from the Star Root Day Calendar to grasp this) and it's in the location of Challenging.  No kidding.  The last point listed, ...cautiously proceed toward goals...unweighted by expectations...is the real challenge. 

Every moment we face opportunities to make a choice about our reactions, whether it be a person...family, friend or foe...or political or religious differences of opinion...or something as benign as traffic or cold coffee.  To keep from freaking out every other minute we need to go back to the ...softness of the human heart.  Go back to our own heart, take a breath, and proceed.  I'm not saying be trampled upon, but make mindful choices.  Our expectations of others are generally huge, or at least mine are.  It's the hardest thing I have to accomplish I believe.  We just want others to be like we want them to be....and they might not want it also!  They are already them.  You are already you.  I am already me.  We have to back off and figure out a way...to be...peaceful....whether it be a relationship, a family, a neighbor, a community, or a country.

Tone Seven:  Channel ~ Inspire ~ Attunement
"Seven has its unique symmetry relation to 1 and 13, the alpha and the omega of the Mayan number harmonic.  At the center of the pattern, 7 represents the magic by which the whole holds together."

Humans are resonant beings...whatever energies we are exposed to, we have the ability to resonate with, or vibrate at like frequency with.  Notice how our moods can be influenced by the channel on the radio and the emotional , physiological, or mental states which are evoked by the music's vibration, By accessing keen perception of energies and vibrations, we can be more selective of what we bring into our field of play.  This discernment directs us to find our own state of right-alignment within any situation as well as surround ourselves with what inspires us.  Our mystic power is the strength of our personal attunement!

So you can see how matching up Tone Seven with Yellow Warrior today, given we have now read this info, we might be more prepared to tap into these resources.  When faced with a difficult situation there is a chance we might remember to think of tone seven and simply step aside and avoid it completely or if we choose to confront uncharted terrain, we will proceed realizing how our own emotional state needs to remain in balance as the situation may be likely to change our vibrational energy in a heart beat.

All of this is simply working at becoming more aware of what we are doing, as often as possible.  Think before we speak.  Walk with grace. Smile.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A step into the Mayan Calendar...Starroot...and Dreamspell

I am Cimi Ten ~ White Planetary World Bridger
The Mayan Calendar where you can find your personal combo as well as the daily combination is a rather convoluted affair with tones and glyphs, kin numbers, harmonic and a Tzkolin grid.  It is however fascinating and moves you through a never ending combinations of...progress.  It's like two wheels, one with 20 cogs and the other with 13.  They continuously match up differently as shown here on this site 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar.  (don't let some of the artwork freak you out :o)

I followed these readings quite 'religiously' for some time, then it fell away as many things do.  With the recent deaths of my sister and former husband I've found the need to return to reading which gave me purpose and allowed reflection and inspiration.  Of course the day I decided to begin again was my own planetary birthday Kin 166.  Today however is Blue Eagle, tone six (these writings are taken directly from the 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar):

Tone 6 Rhythmic:   Organize - Balance - Equality
     "Music is behind life, and rules life; from music springs all life.  The whole creation exists in rhythm and in a general phrase, it may be said that there is one common source of human disease; and that is disorder in rhythm." - Hazrat Inayat Khan

Blue Eagle:  Creates - Vision - Mind
     "The journey towards perfections means rising above limitations; rising so high that no the horizon of one country or one continent only is seen, but that of the whole world. The higher we rise, the wider becomes the horizon of our view" -Hazrat Inayat Khan

So we have Blue Rhythmic Eagle....sounds like rise up singing to me.

Sticks and A New Dawn

Looking at the budding oaks I realize how I prefer open branches to the leaf covered, hot summer canopy.  The air is fresher, the sky more visible, there is a freedom.  An odd fear swept over me as I thought of yet another change.