This resource which follows is taken directly from one of the 13 Moon Natural Time Calendars
See Reference Source Page.
There are 20 Solar Seals or Glyphs, scroll down to locate the one you are looking for.
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Solar Seals or Glyphs |
1. Red Dragon Nurtures ~ Birth ~Being
"Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things."-Tao Te Ching
Imix: Red Dragon represents the beginning; the primal source; the mother of life; primordial waters; the birther; the initiator. Dragon is the overseer; shepard of the vulnerable; the provider.
As individual beings, we are each a part which contains Memory of the Whole. As we sense all life to be of one source, we access empathy, patience and kindness. By nurturing others, we are nurturing our oneness; nurturing our unification; incarnating the grace of love to nourish our shared life. We are also reminded to extend loving attention to our own self, vitalizing our wholeness and well-being with gentleness and care.
Red Dragon provokes us to inquire; What precedes the captivating story entitled "My Life?" What underlies all that we do, all that we are, all that is? BEING! We access this state when we simply feel the life which animates us - free of all agenda, free of all aim, free of the need to produce or achieve. With nothing to prove and nowhere to go, we are immersed into pure existence - a realm of effortless essence. As ancient wisdom directs: "Established in being, perform action."
Imix soothingly assures: the Universe is conspiring on our behalf! Birth new beginnings. Embrace new ways of seeing. Every moment is a new creation!
"When thinking stops, being takes over" -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
2. White Wind Communicates ~ Spirit ~ Breath
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the ourtermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." -Dennis Kucinich
Ix: White Wind (Spirit) like breath, like wind is an invisible force witnessed only in the elements it moves. Spirit, like breath, like wind is a messenger of circulation - allowing fresh currents to move through our channels, invigorating and re-orienting us. When we express as inspired, spirit moves through us freely. Our abilities and styles of communicating shape our realities and our relationships with others. Healthy exchange conveys ideas and feelings, inviting clarity, insight and enhanced intimacy. Let ears be open so truths may be spoken! White Wind also prompts us to commune with our personal spiritual realm and discover whaatever can transmit our inspiration from the unseen into this physical dimension to share our revelations and enthusiasm.
Breath is the fuel of life. As Native American teachings share: "through our breath we are in relation with all Life, never separate from the Great Mystery." Not only does breath carry oxygen throughout our bodies and brains, it integrates our mind-body-spirit connection - enlivening their inherent sacred partnership. Breath helps us to commune; to calm, center, and refine our responses. Breath is a powerful tool in eliminating stresses and toxins, and overall has a profound effect on how we feel emotionally and physically and on the state of our mind.
White wind advises; breathe consciously; breathe deep! Communicate to convey your truths and create connections. Follow your Spirit without hesitation!
For spirit is so near that you can't see it." -Rumi
3. Blue Night Dreams ~ Abundance ~ Intuition
"What occurs around you and within you reflects your own mind and shows you the dream you are weaving." -The Ywhaoo Lineage
Akbal: Blue Night represents enclosing darkness; the place of mystery; the sanctuary of inner self. The code "Dream" offers the perspective that the living Universe is fluid and malleable; unlimited creative intelligence which shape shifts in response to our inner perceptions. Likewise, all that we encounter and everyone around us are dream figures within our dream - reflecting both conscious and unconscious parts of our Self. What are you "dreaming up" in your life? We have the ability to awaken at any moment and lucidly dream our waking reality! As we let go of rationale and find trust in our intuition, we access abundant inner resources to uniquely guide our journey through infinite dreamscapes.
Blue Night directly associated with redeeming materialism by honoring the ever present abundance of the Universe's gifts. True wealth is not found in acquisition of material goods, but rather, is revealed as the treasure of gratitude - acknowledging the blessing of plentitude that already exists. This heartfelt energy magically attracts that which fulfills our desires and dreams.
"Acknowledge the abundance in our life; it creates waves of grace on which to move in the world. Generosity means giving, and it begins in the heart by affirming confidence in the abundance of the Universe. Abundance flows in a circle, so when you fear and think scarcity thoughts, then the flow of abundance in our lives becomes constricted. Generous actions from a generous heart bring peace and abundance for you and all within the circle. Recognize that you always have something to give, and then share it with others." -Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
4. Yellow Seed Targets ~ Flowering ~ Awareness
"Don't get lost in the entire process of manifestation; just begin by seeding your heart's desire...All seeds hold the holographic power of their completion." -Ariel Spilsbury
Kan: Yellow Seed represents the miracle of life - symbolic of the living power potential residing within all of us, waiting to be released into action. They demonstrate the creative intelligence of growth, revealing that majestic manifestation is lurking in the tiniest component!
Yellow Seed invites us to target what we wish to have flourish in our lives, that we may plant seeds with intention and precision. Once properly seeded and given supportive conditions, the natural process of flowering unfolds, bringing its beauty and riches.
Our very lives are the gardens of our awareness! By deepening our subtle perceptions we find that the real of self-awareness is vast and endless. Each new layer of self-insight facilitates a refinement of perception and therefore action. May the flowering of human consciousness ripen from within!
"Seed thoughts of peace, moistened by love, tilled by right action, weeds of discord pulled by diligent actions. The harvest shall be abundant joy sustaining future generations."
-Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
5. Red Serpent Survives ~ Life Force ~ Instinct
"I have learned that the body listens to rhythms the mind can't even hear." -John Lee
Chichan: Red Serpent represents our primal nature; our instinctual body wisdom; our sensuality, creativity and passion. Serpent reminds us to center in our earthly vehicles, honoring them as incredible, sensual mechanisms, recognizing that our bodies offer us infinite opportunity for experience. They are our living temples; our one and only home for this lifetime! As our partners in life, our bodily vessels invite us to nourish ourselves, to ground, to breathe, to stretch, to move, to dance, to feel, to discover, to physically express, and above all, to sense - to be creatures, not intellects! Follow the body ~ it has a language all its own!
Intimately connected to our soul, our serpent bodies and its senses are gateways to that which lies beyond the body - offering themselves as a conduit to access this greater wholeness! As a tool and guide, our bodies are our allies in self intimacy, renewal, and empowerment!
Life force is our vitality. Every moment, the decisions we make impact our store of life force -- it is ours to cultivate and care for! One of the most powerful sources of life force we all possess is our sexual energy, literally our sacred creative energy. Known as our "kundalini," our inner serpent fire ignites our divine potential residing within. The serpent reminds us to merge our primal life-force energy with our higher visionary eagle mind to become balanced and fully alive as a "feathered serpent." This allows us to bring holistic insight into matters of survival and creation, assuring we see what's near and far!
6. White Worldbridger Equalizes ~ Death ~ Opportunity
"You were, you will be. Know this while you are. Your spirit has traveled both long and far. It rose from the source, to the source it returns. The spark which was lighted eternally burns." -The Maori
Cimi: Worldbridger represents revelation; realization of the mortality of the physical body; the organic balance of life and death; the realm of neutrality which facilitates bridging and connection; intimate exchange with the spirit of the ancestors.
As a force of equalization, the inevitability of death humbles us all. As we contemplate how all things have an eventual ending, we are drawn into the richness of the now. With the perception that Death/Opportunity we find a sacred key that speaks not only of our imminent passing beyond this physical body, but also in regard to ego-death. By continually shedding what no longer serves, we learn to yield to death as a natural overturning of cyclical processes. Releasing identities and surrendering attachments grants us access to new worlds!
Worldbridger asks: What within your life is asking to be let go of, or ended, to make way for a new cycle to begin? What is discovered when you contemplate our human mortality? How can we overcome fear of death and find trust in the journey of life? How can we honor the reality of death in all its facets as a sacred ally of life? Let us welcome the power of death/opportunity to liberate us from self defeating habits, fear and limitations!
A succinct mantra for aligning with Worldbridger power is: "I surrender to opportunity!"
"When you know that you are only wearing the body, which can be destroyed ~ that you are the reality which activates the body and cannot be destroyed ~ how can you be afraid?" -Peace Pilgrim
7. Blue Hand Knows ~ Accomplishment ~ Healing
"Through skill all things are transformed." -The Mayan Factor
Manik: Blue Hand embodies the power of creativity and mastery. Completion and attainment are the work of hands: to bridge, to mend, to support, to lend. Cities have been built and hands have torn them down.
While achievement is the common proof of accomplishment, we are reminded the process of actualizing is equally relevant. Genuine accomplishment carries an inherent force of healing. Engaged in our activities, we are infused with purpose; we are fulfilling the moment; we are communing through process. When we bring peace to all we do, everything becomes an act of healing. Let us express our artistry, craft and skills as a means to uplift ourselves, our community and our environment.
As we acknowledge our personal need for healing, may we also sensitize to the universal need for healing. While healing begins with an acceptance of what is, as it is, may we also set out to accomplish transformations which open the next level of our lives.
Our physical hands are tools of Knowing. Hands sense. Hands heal. As extensions of our innate being, our hands both receive and transmit energy, and speak a universal language. Blue Hand encourages us to acknowledge our hands and the power of touch. A million worlds of separation vanish in one embrace.
"Man is a microcosm containing all knowledge of the macrocosm"-Alchemical principle
8. Yellow Star Beautifies ~ Elegance ~ Art
"May we develop our awareness of the countless beautiful things in every day life, for every phase of beauty contributes to the expansion of spiritual upliftment and understanding."
-Meishu Suma
Lamat: Yellow Star is an agent of harmony; keeper of the octave; a way shower; a starseed; a messenger declaring art as Creator's omnipresent gift.
Art is how we greet the day; how we respond and interact to the elements in our lives. As a dimension of being and acting, art exists as a universal opportunity for creativity, innovation and expression, each of us adding to the blank canvas of the moment. Art bares the language of the Soul; transparently revealing our driving essence. Art, like the realm of beauty, is naturally occurring, enhanced with intention, is unlimited in its appearance and manifestations, transcends definition and is measurable by feelings and insight it provokes.
In essence, art, beauty and elegance are vibrational emanations, produced by beneficial combinations, emerging from mindful synthesis.
Yellow Star transmits: Delight in the beauty of your expression. Explore your creative tendencies. Allow the aesthetics of nature to inspire your inner artistic sight and sense. Wield the radiance of the star and light to your outer world from within. Allow grace and harmony to guide your path. Nothing you do is outside the art of your life!
"When we contemplate life through the eyes of purity, everywhere we look we see beauty."
9. Red Moon Purifies ~ Universal Water ~ Flow
"You cannot step twice in the same river, for fresh waters are ever flowing." -Heraclitus
Muluc: The symbol for Red Moon appears like a beacon; a portal inviting us into self-remembrance of who we are in our purity. Red Moon is a messenger of the ever present opportunity to renew one's being; to rejuvenate; to cleanse ourselves that we may be free of toxins, falsehoods, distortions, and dis-serving energies; to refine ourselves as clear vessels; to restore health and well-being. One of the strongest forces of purification is gratitude for the totality of our human experience knowing we are ever leaning, and yet, in essence we are already perfect.
The power of Universal Water invites us to call upon our fluidity, adaptability, resilience, and ability to change states. Flow reminds us of the law of impermanence, asserting change is the only constant in life. In a continual process of release and renewal, we cycle in phase with nature's rhythms. If we are resistant to the flow of life in its patterns as well as its unpredictability we may encounter unnecessary stress or struggle, or overlook fresh opportunities presenting themselves. We can't control the river of life, therefore it's wise to yield to the momentum of the naturally arising circumstances.
Water is the largest component of our planet Earth and our human bodies. Red Moon advocates; hydrate your cells, bathe your bodies, cry your tears, claim your sanctity, go with the flow of your soul, and celebrate all the wonderful and various manifestations of water, moonlight, oceans, clouds, and rainstorms. May we honor this precious resource.
10. White Dog Loves ~ Heart ~ Loyalty
"Indeed, when the human soul's intrinsic value is to love, there can be no greater confirmations to what makes a person truly human, and yet, divine at the same time!" -William RiverBento
Oc: White Dog. The heart is both earthly and heavenly; a medium between spirit and matter. The heart is pure. Incapable of anything but complete honesty, the heart's nature is unconditional acceptance. Its essence is receptivity, transparency, and devotion. Its strength is in its vulnerability; its beauty in its spiritual center wishes to serve in the glory of union, welcoming all inclusively. As we dwell in our heart's simplicity, love take the reigns, and a path of possibilities effortlessly opens before us.
The heart's domain is relationship, temples of initiation offering vast insight into the celestial prism of the heart and the myriad layers of connectivity among souls. White Dog urges us to seek and enjoy our companions of destiny, our Kin who fulfill our heart's longings to reciprocate true love. The basis of healthy relationship is to always honor the truth of one's own heart.
Pain in one's life, from unresolved wounds, signals our attention. One of our heart's roles is to transduce pain into acceptance, resulting in peace. This personal process requires full awareness on feeling the sensations of the pain, whether physical or emotional, while recognizing in a transcendental sense the pain is not "who we are," it is just showing blockages or imbalances. It is merely passing through us, seeking a heart to meet and acknowledge it. If we give all the pain over to our heart center and surround it with a vigilant patient, compassionate embrace, the fire of our self loving acceptance burns away its veils, diminishing its intensity and if needed liberates us into the lessons underlying the pain.
White Dog asserts Love is the fabric of this universe; Love is supreme; Compassionate Love is true medicine; with Love--all is possible!
11. Blue Monkey Plays ~ Magic ~ Illusion
"What we create in the world, we must first create within ourselves. For there to be magic in your life, you must first believe in magic." -Lynn Andrews
Chuen: Blue Monkey is the artisan; the weaver of time; the scribe; the trickster; the playful agent of magical illusion; ambassador of Cosmo-Rama. Its energy is known for weaving new patterns, constructive solutions, artistic expressions or inventions into our lives; for control. The monkey's message to us all is: "Don't take yourself so seriously."
Blue Monkey reminds us we are all children of the universe here to play with the every day magic we are immersed in. As we embrace spontaneity and honor play as an essential part of the wholeness of life we find healing, liberation and joy. Blue Monkey dares us to laugh and smile in the face of stresses, transforming them into adventure and wonder. As the Mayan Oracle encourages: "As you freely play, the importance is taken off who you think you are, leaving room to explore all that you actually are."
We can view the entirety of creation as a Divine Play. In Sanskrit, the word maya means: illusion which masquerades as apparent reality. The word leela means: the divine play of Self; the sport of God; the Dance of Consciousness. If we identify only with the maya and overlook the leela, the result is suffering. Perceiving the leela, freedom finds us.
See you in the unfolding Play of Cosmos!
12. Yellow Human Influences ~ Free Will ~ Wisdom
"Winclil" - Yucatec Mayan word for Human Being - "Cosmic Vibratory Root."
Eb: Yellow Human. Ancient Vedic masters assure us to get a human body is a rare gift. Being human grants us the ability to integrate our primal nature with our self reflective intellect and our celestial essence. Within every human being flows the stream of wisdom from our ancestors.
We influence each other by modeling our values. All that we think, say, do, create, choose and feel impacts those around us, and contributes to the Collective Human Consciousness which we are in turn affected by subtly and overtly. All we consider acceptable or normal merely reflects the precedents we have set for each other. The behaviors and attitudes we've inherited from our families and friends are for us to either perpetuate or to change and evolve.
Wisdom is acquired through experimenting with our free will options. Wisdom is insight and foresight, discerning how our choices affect the greater Whole. Wisdom and Compassion form our human wholeness. Yellow Human asks us to share our wisdom with our fellow humans that we may in turn influence their free will towards the direction of wisdom. As Native American Wisdom requests: "In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations."
By design, we humans have shared vulnerability, yet we evoke invincibility when we connect with each other and to the Spirit which animates our humanity. As we see the many faces of the One Humanity, may we humbly honor diversity.
"To be fully human means to know myself first as an essence of divinity, and then as a player in this huge dream called life." Intiana
13. Red Skywalker Explores ~ Space ~ Wakefulness
"The Skywalker is the Human taking flight in the imagination." -Valum Votan
Ben: Red Skywalker is an ambassador of wakefulness; an explorer of dimensions within and without; a time space traveler; a messenger of prophecy.
The Skywalker glyph symbol shows empty pillars connecting heaven and earth. What gives a vessel its usefulness is the empty space within it. Standing as vigilant, clear channels, rooted yet fluid, we are full of expansive emptiness; conduits of wakefulness.
The Skywalker vibration invites us to: Transcend old paradigms, conditionings and ceiling of limitation; participate in the evolution of consciousness by pioneering new perceptual avenues and trail blazing new lifestyles; connect heaven and earth by unifying intention with action; bring star wisdom to the planetary whole.
Skywalker advises: Spiral into the depths of your inner resources; use every opportunity to observe and discover. Honor the energy of space and its power to influence our consciousness. Explore your capacity to continually reinvent yourself. With deep roots into the earth and broad antennas into the sky, receive the medicine your soul needs to endure life's transitions and discover trust in the unknown.
The counter balancing energy of the Skywalker tribe is Blue Night which embodies the power of "Dream." Let us be wakeful to the living dream as an outer reflection of our inner reality. How we are dreaming up our lives through every perception and response directly affects how we are exploring.
14. White Wizard Enchants ~ Timelessness ~ Receptivity
...un-tie the past, or its impact will last...
...don't worry or hurry to reach the future, it surely will never arrive...
Ix: White Wizard represents the power of the jaguar, the shaman, the night-seer, the Earth Wizard. Wizard says: The Time is Always Now; The present moment is your field of play; As the canvas of nature's cycles, you are Time! Being receptive to your inner autonomous sense of timing ~ being on time with your Self~ assures you will naturally be on time with your outer reality; Enchantment emerges from receptivity to the expanse of the present moment.
Wizards cast spells; enchantments. Spells are but personal myths that craft and define our lives. Spells remind us that words and beliefs have magical powers that generate states of fascination and entrancement. By becoming conscious of the spells we are casting through our words and beliefs we can refine them and thereby magically shift our lives.
Receptivity invites authenticity, transparency, and healing. When we are able to receive one another, deep truths feel welcomed into expression. Connecting soul to soul without guard, the collaborative forces of enchantment are unleashed. Let us be receptive to the omnipresent sacredness of existence, complete with its blessings and its challenges.
Timelessness is an energetic dimension which has been masked by a linear notion of time. Together, we are remembering that Time is the Universal Factor of Synchronization. The present moment is always a living oracle. May the Wizards arise and break the spell of artificial time.
15. Blue Eagle Creates ~ Vision ~ Mind
"The journey toward perfection means rising above limitations; rising so high that not the horizon of one country or one continent only is seen, but that of the whole world. The higher we rise, the wider becomes the horizon of our view." -Hazrat Inayat Khan
16. Yellow Warrior Questions ~ Intelligence ~ Fearlessness
"Fearless is not a reduction of fears, but the capacity to go beyond fear. Going beyond fear begins when we examine our fear. In the Shambhala tradition, discovering fearlessness comes from working with the softness of the human heart." -Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
17. Red Earth Evolves ~ Navigation ~ Synchronicity
"Synchronicity is how we experience telepathy." -Telektonon
18. White Mirror Reflects ~ Endlessness ~ Order
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." -Anais Nin
19. Blue Storm Catalyzes ~ Self-Generation ~ Energy
"We must become the change we seek in the world." -Mohatma Gandhi
20. Yellow Sun Enlightens ~ Universal Firs ~ Life
"One day the sun admitted, I am just a shadow. I wish I could show you The Infinite Incandescence that has cast my brilliant image! I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness the Astonishing Light of your own Being!" -Hafiz
Men: Blue Eagle represents Higher Collective Mind, Visionary Creativity, and Planetary Consciousness. Often shown with a globe in its eye, Eagle holds an expansive scope; a grand planetary perspective.
Seeing with a broad and objective view, we travel beyond our limited or narrow perceptions of our selves, our lives, and our world. Elevating our consciousness to meet with the Planet-Mind, we can discover what our unique, personal contributions are to assist the positive transformation of our shared reality. All who choose to attune to the Planetary mind help inspire our collective consciousness to honor and serve the evolution of our living planet and global society.
Blue eagle directs; Voyage into the vast creative lansscape of your soul. Discover unlimited clear seeing, fertile imagination and ground breaking ideas. Vision is a gift. Portray and reveal, so others may also see. Bring your perspective from the highest, most all encompassing viewpoint possible. Access the Visionary within--seeing and believing in that which has not yet manifest. Give flight to your sacred Vision.
16. Yellow Warrior Questions ~ Intelligence ~ Fearlessness
"Fearless is not a reduction of fears, but the capacity to go beyond fear. Going beyond fear begins when we examine our fear. In the Shambhala tradition, discovering fearlessness comes from working with the softness of the human heart." -Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
Cib: The spirit of the Yellow Warrior invites us to: access divine guidance; circulate fresh analysis of our convictions to assure they represent our truths; question our assumptions; confront uncharted terrain; exercise keen awareness; embrace challenge by recognizing it as the every-present gift of growth; understand obstacles as opportunities to strengthen ourselves; apply mindfulness, precision and will; question all appearances, reference points and information to gain deeper insight and intelligence; question and confront fears in order to release their hold and transcend them; apply one pointed focus and determination in cautiously proceeding towards goals while remaining unweighted by expectations.
A warrior's strength is in how She responds. How will you channel the power of the Yellow Warrior?
The Yellow Warrior glyph symbol resembles a shield communicating: You are an agent of cosmic forces; be at home in the cosmic question mark; integrate the 3 forces of mind, will and spirit to pick up the staff of galactic empowerment.
17. Red Earth Evolves ~ Navigation ~ Synchronicity
"Synchronicity is how we experience telepathy." -Telektonon
Caban: Red Earth. As a synchronized whole system, Earth is a conscious, sentient being; an integral member of the larger galactic community. Humanity, as a unique part of this living system, belongs to the Earth and our collective evolution is a shared journey in Time.
Living in resonance with the Earth, honoring Gaia's magic in our heart, we maintain a mutual connection that feeds our spirit and informs our navigation. We exchange the power of healing and support when we consciously affirm our unity.
Synchronicity is born of timing. Life's natural time expresses itself as the "synchronic order" the galactic ordering dynamic which coordinates the unfolding of all events as one cosmic expression of now. Synchronicity is constantly happening, yet to be aware of it requires deep mindfulness; sensitivity to the subtle nuances. By combining devotion to the present moment, with attention to the harmonic codes of time, our sense of navigation evolves. Keen to direction furnished by every clue, we can fully trust in the scheme of synchronicity. What we need to see, we will see. What we need to know, at any moment, will be revealed!
At this juncture of evolution all planetary citizens are called forth to participate in shifting our collective consciousness that we may set a new course of action, one which aspires to heal the Biosphere by functioning in Harmony with Nature. Ultimately, Earth's fate is our fate, we're One Earth, One Time, One People! Let us, together, navigate our collective evolution in conscious synchronization with the living Earth Force!
18. White Mirror Reflects ~ Endlessness ~ Order
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." -Anais Nin
Etzneb: White Mirror. As human beings we hold many perceptions about ourselves, others and the world around us. While it appears these view points are founded on evidence and experience, all perceptions are actually reflecting the climate and contents of our own psyche. As Jungian scholar Paul Levy shares: "The Universe is a Divine Inkblot. We are the source of meaning of this inkblot. The universe is very malleable, and the way we interpret this universe has a creative potency on how it manifests."
In recognition that all perspectives are relative to the orientation of the viewer, White Mirror allows all points of view their validity. Even in the face of seeming oppositions or contradicting beliefs, Mirror understands all opinions to be subjectively true, knowing within this holographic universe there are no fixed absolutes. In essence, it is this endless diversity of reflections which composes the mysterious Order of the whole; the many facets of the One.
White Mirror invites us delve into the source of reflection and polish the mirror of our mind that we may see from the deepest clarity we are capable of. In this way, all occurrences in our live can be used to see ourselves more clearly, as an ongoing meditation of self-reflection. Ultimately, as we walk through the reflection we can enter into the greater reality, the truth beyond the hall of mirrors, into the Divine Order which pervades all.
"We are the mirror as well as the face in it. We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity. We are the pain and what cures pain. We are the sweet cold water and the jar that pours." -Rumi
19. Blue Storm Catalyzes ~ Self-Generation ~ Energy
"We must become the change we seek in the world." -Mohatma Gandhi
Cauac: Blue Storm. All of existence is shaped from energy/information. The many configurations of energy which constitute the myriad forms of life carry with them distinct vibrations. Each subtle resonance contributes to the overall energetic equation. We can discover how our intentions affect the vibrations and of the energy we output into the field. Therefore, by examining the unique energetic signatures carried by our thoughts, words, actions and experience, we can refine how we wield our energy, learning to conduct the power and potential of our inner forces most effectively.
A catalyst initiates or accelerates a process or event without being affected or consumed in the process. As catalytic agents, we have the ability to induce responses and reactions--to stimulate change and transformation. Our personal energy always plays into the mix, we affect the chemistry of every situation we are in. If we can be the eye of the storm, the center point of stillness, we gain the power to alter the environment without being carried away by the storm.
Blue Storm, ambassador of self generation, inspires us to activate our inner resources that we may call upon our inner source to generate the transformation we seek to catalyze. As awakened thunderbeings, we have unlimited capacity to be of influence, be it through our vigor, charisma or stillness.
Blue storm declares: Circulate energy. Usher in renewal and reconfiguration. Thunderous outbreaks can be positively purifying. Unleash intensity while remaining anchored to the center of stillness, around which dances chaos.
"Silence is all pervasive. It exists in a droplet of water; the petal of a flower; the bolt of lightening and the roar of thunder."_Anon.
20. Yellow Sun Enlightens ~ Universal Firs ~ Life
"One day the sun admitted, I am just a shadow. I wish I could show you The Infinite Incandescence that has cast my brilliant image! I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness the Astonishing Light of your own Being!" -Hafiz
Ahau: Yellow Sun provokes us to honor the Solar Life Force that sustains our Planetary Whole. As our local star, the Sun is the lens through which we receive radiant emanations of energy/information transmitted from the center of the galaxy (Hunab Ku). Let us receive the majesty of the Universal Fire, that it may ignite and enlighten our inner Sun - our internal source of Divine Light. May we awaken to the precious reality of who we truly are - sparks of the same great fire of Life which illuminates eternity.
Yellow Sun signifies both Zero and Twenty, presenting a union of formless potential and formed wholeness; nothingness and totality! Zero is empty so that it may hold everything. When we hold to nothing - no prides or fears - we consciously merge with life's Totality. By releasing all the layers of personal identification and conditioning, we can rest in the sacred emptiness of our essence - pure Life!
Foregoing the attainment of concepts of enlightenment, we can discover our True Nature is enlightened. Let us release the striving for betterment, and accept the awesome actuality that already is! Allow the universal fire to burn away doubt and debate. All questions are answered by the searing truth that which we've always been - the zero; formless consciousness; wholeness.
"To let the self be awakened by all things is enlightenment." -Dogen, 13th century Zen Master
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