Lunar Tones

This resource which follows is taken directly from one of the 13 Moon Natural Time Calendars...   See Reference Source Page. 

Magnetic Tone 1    Attract ~ Unify ~ Purpose
 All things are the differentiation of One Infinity.
       Tone One represents the Source of Creation; the Indivisible Essence of All That Is. In the Unified Whole of Life, nothing is outside The One.  Awakening to the inherent unity of all things can expand one's sense of purpose.  We realize we are each an essential expression of Totality, embodying a unique and integral contribution.
        When seeking our purpose, we find it is alive - encoded within us.  It is one with who we are.  It calls to us celluarly, and it nudges us through obvious attractions that draw our attention.  Once we have unified with our purpose, we naturally magnetize that which supports its unfoldment. From the vast realms of infinite possibility, all is attainable!  As we open to receive from Source - the Source which provides all - resources and synchronistic opportunity are gracefully attracted.  We find that others are drawn to the same cause and we are never alone on this journey.
       Oneness decrees:  there is only one moment - the ever-changing now.  As the now shifts, so must purpose transform as the moment directs.  No  purpose is too small - every act serves the grand weaving of reality.  In a continuous stream of energy, not a single movement can be insignificant!  Ultimately, when investigating what our purpose is, let us know:  true purpose must serve the Oneness.  We all serve the Oneness by serving the now, with purity and with heart.

Lunar Tone 2     Polarize ~ Stabilize ~ Challenge
All antagonisms are complementary.
       From one comes two.  Opposing forces work together, counter-balancing each other in a field of stability. Black and white, night and day, good and evil, work and play. The yin and yang - the beauty of relationship, represents the essential dance of two. Everything defines, and is defined by, its polar opposite. We are described and highlighted by what we are not.  It is said, "If a valley filled up the mountains would disappear." Tone 2 helps us to see that it is light which creates shadows. That winter and summer are but two products on one force experienced from contrasting positions. Night and day are faces of the one earth as it revolves!
       Polarized states we encounter in daily life can serve as extremes which challenge us.  The moon, keeper of lunar lunacy, remind us that as we can only see one side of her at a time, so too might we be restricted to only one side of a perceptual equation.  If we overlook the inherent unity that opposing forces are born of, polarity is experienced as duality. Duality, the destructive illusion of separation denies that counter-balances exist to serve each other.  Challenges that appear as hardship or struggle, when seen from another perspective can bear the blessings of opportunity. Tone 2 encourages:  Stabilize challenge by receiving opposition as a catalyst to strengthen your truth. Embrace challenges as stimulating soul growth!

Electric Tone 3     Activate ~ Bond ~ Service
Service is love made visible.
          Tone 3 represents the sacred Trinity in all of its manifestations. The energy of 3 moves us beyond polarity, ushering in the electrifying current of activation! Instead of the give and take of two, we access the dynamic exchange which 3 makes possible. Energy is now capable of bonding, allowing for an expanded dimension of structure and creational possibilities to emerge. This new dimension awakens creative currents, inspiring circulation, variability and fresh potential for alignments.
         An activated being is alive with their sense of mission--setting their truths in motions! Accepting the opportunity to be of service, we bridge energetically with other beings in the light of collective goals. On a large or small scale, offering one's self in service -- willingness to jump in when needed and assist the surrounding circumstances -- is a simple, yet highly spiritual act. Acting on behalf of others, as well as the Biosphere, we access a virtue of selflessness-- not as in a state of martyrdom, but with regard to the Self which is all selves.
          The greatest acts of service are in recognition that those we help are in no way separate from ourselves -- that in some way we are merely one aspect of creation assisting another aspect of creation. In active service to life, the path of dharma fills our days with meaningful great work -- the endless work of love.

Self-Existing Tone 4     Define ~ Measure ~ Form
"It is only through the operation of measure as wholeness and order that any manifestation can occur as a coherent organism...Measure - the form giving principle of energy - is represented by the number four."  -The Mayan Factor
          Four directions. Four seasons. Four elements. Four limbs. Four chambers of the human heart. Four sides to the tetrahedron. Four delivers structure into the 3rd dimension. 4 offers double stability -- it provides a uniform foundation which nature's order builds upon.
          Tone 4 represents the essential role of definition in shaping our lives. When supported with accurate information, clarity is formed and direction revealed. Without verified facts, life may be clouded or disoriented. Plans are weakened when based in speculation or hearsay. Therefore, Tone 4 prompts us to ask questions:  what, where, when, why and how. Define specifics. Assess the situation. Unveil the designs. Determine the parameters. Measure possible scenarios. Scheme and dream the structure you seek!
          The wisdom of Tone 4 assists our development by observing when recipes for creation are recorded, others can then replicate and build upon our evaluation, discernment and formulation.
          Let us remember our everyday definitions construct our everyday perceptions, which ultimately shapes our world. By functioning as an open system, we are capable of restructuring our perspectives in order to transform our reality!

Overtone Tone 5     Empower ~ Command ~ Radiance
"The principle of the center governed by the number 5 allows the order of 4 to move, as the seasons move around a common solar center." -The Mayan Factor
          Tone 5 is the invisible center which exhilarates the world of form. Understanding the 13-tone wavespell as a sequence, the radiance of Tone 5 amplifies the form structured by Tone 4. Measured and defined, form is secure and ready to be radiantly shared with the empowered expression of Tone 5.
          All radiance emanates from a center point. Every individual has a personal center, a place of strength and stillness in the core of one's being: a point of autonomy and authenticity; an inner sphere of Self-love. This center connects us to the Earth's center, and to the core of the outer world, bringing an overtone of empowerment to all that we are.
          Tone 5 provokes us to connect with our truth and radiate that knowing. When we are in command of our own knowing, that radiance expands into the environment, and empowers others to discover and uphold their truth.
          Tone 5 represents the power of the "fifth force", the center which is everywhere at once. Tone 5 directs: focus on the heart of the matter. Navigate as though you are shooting a film out of sequence. We affect all aspects of our experience by centering the ever present now. Center the mind in stillness;center the heart in love; center the body in breath; and you will find yourself centered in the cosmos!

Rhythmic Tone 6     Organize ~ Balance ~ Equality
"Music is behind life, and rules life; from music springs all life.  The whole creation exists in rhythm, and in a general phrase, it may be said there is one common source of human disease; and that is disorder in rhythm." -Hazrat Inayat Khan 
          All life on Earth, including the rhythms of our body, are influenced by the rhythms of ever changing combinations of celestial movements. Daytime, for example, offers high energy of the sun for outward exertion and communication. Nightime, conversely welcomes the deepening of intuition, supporting expansive, internal processes. By noticing the fluctuations of nature we can receive the support of its cycles to enhance our endeavors As we give attention to our personal rhythms, we can find innovative ways to access deeper levels of organic balance, both physically and emotionally. 
          A sense of balance can be achieved by accepting life as a process, an ongoing motion requiring dynamic organization and reorganization, a sacred juggling act. When we organize the elements of our life we invite efficiency and functionality into our reality. Organization assists us to streamline and coordinate, producing greater ease and equilibrium. May we respect the various aspects of maintenance as the foundation which supports the art of our life. Through the eyes of equality, all moments equally contribute to the sacred balance of our lives. We are reminded that "this too shall pass," and "this too shall return."
          May we see all beings in the light of equality, recognizing as planetary kin we all hold equal power and place!

Resonant Tone 7     Channel ~ Inspire ~ Attunement
"7 has its unique symmetry relation to 1 and 13, the alpha and the omega of the Mayan number harmonic. At the center of the pattern, 7 represents the magic by which the whole holds together." -The Mayan Factor
          Humans are resonant beings, whatever energies we are exposed to, we have the ability to resonate with, or vibrate at like frequency with. Notice, how our moods can be influenced by the channel on the radio and the emotional, physiological or mental states which are evoked by the music's vibrations. By accessing keen perception of energies and vibrations, we can be more selective of what we bring into our field of play. This discernment directs us to find our own state of right alignment within any situation, as well as surround ourselves with what inspires us. Our mystic power is the strength of our personal attunement.
          The power of 7 is demonstrated as the central mystical channel by the 7 energy centers,  known as chakras, which resonate through the conduits of our human spines. From our base root survival center, to our highest crown illumination center, each chakra is a sensitive receptor and transmitter. The cumulative vibration of the 7 chakras determines our being's frequency at each moment. As creative channels, we bring spirit into matter according to the frequencies we are attuned to. 
          When we encounter the 7th chamber of the 13-day wavespell cycle, Resonant imparts: Vibration creates resonant structure, which is felt and perceived on many levels. Acknowledge the frequencies you are surfing at any given moment. Exercise your ability to assist others vibrationally. Allow inspiration to move through the sacred corridor. Be directed. Follow the frequencies which serve you. Attune your vessel!

Galactic Tone 8     Harmonize ~ Model ~ Integrity
          "What is the best way to take in everyday life to lead one to life's ideal?  The best way is to consider harmony as the first principle to be observed; that in all circumstances and situations and conditions one should try to harmonize with one's fellow creatures...Harmony is the most essential thing in life...In plain words, in harmony attracts in harmony, whereas harmony attracts harmony" -Hazrat Inayat Khan 

         Having explored the distinct resonances carried by subtle vibrations, we can focus on harmonizing-generating a pleasing combination of elements. Whether this means establishing inner harmony, or in relationship with others, Tone 8 calls us to align our conduct with our integrity that we may genuinely model the truths and ideals we believe in. One definition of the code "integrity" is "the state of being whole or undivided; completeness." (As modeled by the harmonious whole of the galaxy) This tone reminds us integrity requires consistency; unwavering adherence to the wisdom and grace of our personal values.
          Additionally, harmonization requires not compromise, but pliability-willingness to bend, to meet others, to let go of personal attachments for the greater good. As we each uniquely stand as conduits of Harmony, we act as mutual role models for one another, inspiring the establishment of Galactic Culture; actualizing the harmonious potential of our global society. "Blessed are they who translate every good thing they know into actions-even higher truths shall be revealed to them." -Peace Pilgrim

Solar Tone 9     Pulse ~ Realize ~ Intention
"From the perception of the multisensory human, the intention behind an action determines its effects, every intention affects both us and others, and the effects of intentions extend far beyond the physical world." -Gary Zukav
          Tone 9 pulses the power of Intention. Here we awaken to the realization of Mind, which precedes, yet contains, our physical world. We see the nonlinear emanations of consciousness which uphold this reality; we understand information is perpetually sent and received by our bio-psychic circuitry every moment, whether we are aware of the experience or not. As the ancients say, "Whatever you put your attention on grows stronger in your life." Solar Tone challenges: Harness energy information by directing it. Pulsing is a way to amplify or communicate using mental, emotional, and spiritual energy united. Exercise your natural ability to be in telepathic contact. It requires clarity, connection and like our body's pulse--a steady, streaming surge of energy. Realize your vast capacity to broadcast your truths, both subtly and physically.

Planetary Tone 10     Perfect ~ Produce ~ Manifestation
"10 represents the principle allowing manifestation to occur, based on the coherence of the preceding nine numbers." -The Mayan Factor
          After mobilizing and pulsing our intention in Tone 9, this energy becomes actualized in Tone 10. Here essence and the physical meet as one. The heavens touch the earth; spirit and matter unite. The actualization of creative potential is at the heart of our nature, bringing depth, richness and importance to our lives. The entire manifest world is imagination brought to life!
          Planetary cues us to consider what we are producing in our lives, and by what means. How are we manifesting our dreams? Are we incarnating our ideals? All we bring to this world, our mental, physical and emotional energy, contributes to the Planetary equation.
          Planetary directs: Without judgement there is only perfection! To achieve maximum productivity; strive wholeheartedly to perfect all you endeavor, yet also accept there is an already existing, inherent perfection in all that is manifest, as it is, simply because it is manifest. Attempting to be overly perfectionist is actually counter productive. Rather, allow perfection to be a continual process of aspiration. Let us delight in all we have to bring to this planet, and enjoy all this planet brings to us!

Spectral Tone 11     Dissolve ~ Release ~ Liberation
"11 represents the dynamic of dissonance accounting for randomness and non-stability."             -The Mayan Factor
       Tone 11 represents the power of creative dissolution and dissonant structure.  What can appear as destruction or chaos may actually be the necessary forces of liberation evoking a release from rigid structure and format.  As we release that which no longer serves, we make way for new opportunities and understandings to emerge. Setting us free from expectations or definite notions, Spectral energy breaks us out of routine, releasing us into the spectrum of possibility! Like a prism refracting white light - revealing its full spectrum of colors - Tone 11 provokes us to see aspects of our wholeness that may be yet undiscovered.
        Guiding us to dissolve fixed concepts, fears or habitual patterns that weigh us down, Spectral power declares: "I invite break-through; I dissolve identity; I un-solidify; I release old models for new models; I wield dissonance as a force of liberation; I redeem chaos, an untamed order; I shed; I free limiting beliefs and constructs - no box, no separation no boundaries; uncontained; free-form; receptive to the prismatic range of possibility."
         Spectral advises:  Let go; let your self be absorbed by life itself.  Be flexible in yielding to the formless flow.  Allow your focus to cover a vast range. Dissolve feelings of constrictions. Welcome spontaneity, seeming disruptions, and unexpected detours. Release allegiance to limitations, reliance upon format, or fixation upon control. Un-do, break-down, mix it up! Allow energy to travel as it needs. Disperse into formless existence. "In the chaos it creates, dissonance can shake up static energy and allow transformation to occur if one can stay fluid when encountering (its) energy." -Jonathan Goldman, Shifting Frequencies 

Crystal Tone 12     Dedicate ~ Universalize ~ Cooperation
"12 represents the maximum evolution of form - its attainment of complete complexity."
-28 Meditations on the Law of Time
          Having dissolved rigidity in Tone 11, The Crystal Tone presents a higher order of coordination - offering complex stability, creative cohesion and comprehensive vision. Here we perceive the coherency of the whole as a composition of related parts, honoring the elaborate inter-workings applicable, relevant and shareable with all, assisting the elevation of the common good.
          Tone 12 affirms that we ourselves embody the highest qualities of internal and social architecture. Like a crystal within its unique facets that contribute to the totality of its beauty, so Tone 12 reminds us to honor and celebrate the diverse features and contributions of individuals which constitute the power of a strong, interdependent community.  Tone 12 offers the recognition that in a healthy whole-system, the needs of the individual are met by the collective and in return the individual feeds the aspirations of the collective.  May we strive to collaborate with one another combining our gifts and enhancing our efforts, while remaining clear and lucid in the grace of our autonomy.
          Every 13 days, around the world, groups of natural time trackers meet regularly on Crystal days to share their accounts of completed adventures and to determine new adventures to undertake. These gatherings, know as "round tables" or "courts of kin" are specifically held on Crystal days because Tone 12 models cooperation. These circles exhibit the cohering power of acknowledging all participants as carrying equal right and responsibility, while organized around a central unifying focus. All are universally welcomed to contribute their personal energ in dedication to the constructive functioning of the whole.
          Crystal declares: Every being has a place in the formation. Our individual efforts of perseverance and commitment are invaluable. As we work in concert with one another, a powerful synergy emerges - a crystalline configuration which equals more than the sum of its parts! May we each experience ourselves as integral components of a network of  creativity! "Every individual is a detail of the whole pattern." -Samuel Beast           

Cosmic Tone 13     Endure ~ Transcend ~ Presence
"Thirteen is the key to the Mayan galactic codes of fourth-dimensional time and to the annual lunation cycles by which Earth is guided in her solar path." -Thirteen Moons in Motion

          Where 12 represents the coherent formation of the sacred circle, 13 signifies the expansive spirit of the ascending spiral. Without the transcendent qualities of 13 - the force of circulation itself - 12 can leave us locked in infinitely complex details of form. Where 12 upholds the supreme coordination of the 3rd dimensional physical order, 13 ushers in the supreme revelation of the 4th dimensional, spiritual Synchronic Order. The Cosmic Tone beckons us to transcend the limiting logic of linear time that we may expand into Radial time. We are called to sensitize to the spiritually synchronized symphony of universal movement as it plays and unfolds the unique music of every moment.  We are invited to consciously feel the interconnectedness of all life; to be present to the Spirit which moves though all manifestations, guiding all arrangements of space and configuration of consciousness. We discover that we are always inherently "on-time" by knowing we are Time! 
          As the climax of the wavespell's progression, Tone 13 can embody qualities of any of the previous Tones.  13 is the key to time itself; presence - simple patient awareness; receptivity to exactly what is occurring as it is occurring.  Presence bestows depth of feeling - intimate information and guidance held within the living intelligence of the moment. We are confronted by the vastness of self - the essence self which transcends all appearances of separation.  Every moment, we are presented with the opportunity to transcend seeming limitations, to elevate our thoughts and behaviors beyond conditions/conditioned responses. By orienting in the present, as presence, we expand and feel our undeniable interrelations with all of life. When we are present to every situation as a divinely calibrated opportunity for "personal" clarity and growth, we transform our suffering or striving into the beauty of human evolution, honoring life as an eternal journey of becoming!
          As the tone of endurance, 13 is the force of the continuum; ever-onward life unfolds, integrating all that has gone before. Here we transcend through the Cosmic gate, taking "magic flight, magnet return," led back to One for a new wavespell's spiral flow!



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