Reference Source

The resource  for the Lunar Tones and Solar Seals listed on the other two pages is taken directly from one of the 13 Moon Natural Time Calendars. Additionally sentence structure and punctuation are not always consistant, and have been mostly left intact.

My intention in sharing them is not to become entangled in the now past 2013 date of the 'world coming to an end' or to present this as religion or cult... but to give readers access to this description of Energy or Creation if you will...movement, the progression of life in interconnected stages. 

I use my glyph (determined thru the Day Calc Calendar) to consider who I am or might become and the daily combinations to attune to the rhythms of daily patterns. 

Tone of the Day: These universal energies govern the unfolding sequence of the 13 moons of the year, and are also found reflected in the 13 major joints which allow our body movement (2 ankles, 2 knees, 2 hips, 2 wrists, 2 elbows, 2 shoulders and 1 spine).  Working with the Tones, we are invited to see life as a process, reflecting on these naturally occurring patterns of inner and outer growth. In addition to its name, each Tone has 3 specific code words - exact keys to unlock their action, power and essence.  As succinct clues, these code words are the ideal point of focus to understand the unique functions of the 13 Tones.  The paragraphs and geometries presented for each Tone are inspired by the codes, and merely reflect various insights one can derive from their contemplation.  As a language of energies, the codes of Dreamspell offer precise portals into the mathematical nature of fourth dimensional Time!

Solar Seal (Glyph or Tribe): The 20 Solar Seals reveal 20 unique archetypes, functioning as 20 distinct evolutionary keys for the realization of human potential. Each Tribe a storehouse of information. They can be understood in both a personal and a macrocosmic sense, offering universal teachings. Each of the glyph-forms beckon us to travel into their symbology to gain intuitive insight into the essential aspect of life's Mystery that they represent. In addition to its name, each Seal has 3 specific code words - exact keys to unlock their action - power- essence.
As succinct clues, these code words are the ideal point of focus to journey into the 20 distinct realms. The paragraphs shared for each glyph are inspired by the code words, and merely reflect the various insights one can derive from contemplation of these codes. As the 13 Tones show the "movement" of creation, the 20 Tribes portray the "measure" of creation, found reflected in our 20 fingers and toes!

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