Thursday, April 24, 2014

Challenging? No Kidding!

Moving right along with the Mayan Calendar, today's glyph:

Yellow Warrior
"Fearless is not a reduction of fears, but rather the capacity to go beyond fear...discovering fearlessness comes from working with the softness of the human heart."

Now just wait until you read the recommended  approach to accomplishing this.  Honestly if you are looking for a serious belly laugh this should do it because it is quite a list. Naturally all the points are to be well recommended, but talk about Great Expectations! goes:

The spirit of the Yellow Warrior invites us to:
  • access divine guidance
  • circulate fresh analysis of our convictions to assure they represent our truths
  • question our assumptions
  • confront uncharted terrain
  • exercise keen awareness
  • embrace challenge by recognizing is as the ever-present gift of growth
  • understand obstacles as opportunities to strengthen ourselves
  • apply mindfulness, precision, and will
  • question all appearances, reference points and information to gain deeper insight and intelligence
  • question and confront fears in order to release their hold and transcend them
  • apply one-pointed focus and determination cautiously proceeding towards goals while remaining unweighted by expectations
I guess the point of this blog is to express my own reaction to passages which inspire me to carry on and improve, not just exist.  This particular glyph is one of the three that travel with me (you might want to determine your own glyph info from the Star Root Day Calendar to grasp this) and it's in the location of Challenging.  No kidding.  The last point listed, ...cautiously proceed toward goals...unweighted by the real challenge. 

Every moment we face opportunities to make a choice about our reactions, whether it be a, friend or foe...or political or religious differences of opinion...or something as benign as traffic or cold coffee.  To keep from freaking out every other minute we need to go back to the ...softness of the human heart.  Go back to our own heart, take a breath, and proceed.  I'm not saying be trampled upon, but make mindful choices.  Our expectations of others are generally huge, or at least mine are.  It's the hardest thing I have to accomplish I believe.  We just want others to be like we want them to be....and they might not want it also!  They are already them.  You are already you.  I am already me.  We have to back off and figure out a be...peaceful....whether it be a relationship, a family, a neighbor, a community, or a country.

Tone Seven:  Channel ~ Inspire ~ Attunement
"Seven has its unique symmetry relation to 1 and 13, the alpha and the omega of the Mayan number harmonic.  At the center of the pattern, 7 represents the magic by which the whole holds together."

Humans are resonant beings...whatever energies we are exposed to, we have the ability to resonate with, or vibrate at like frequency with.  Notice how our moods can be influenced by the channel on the radio and the emotional , physiological, or mental states which are evoked by the music's vibration, By accessing keen perception of energies and vibrations, we can be more selective of what we bring into our field of play.  This discernment directs us to find our own state of right-alignment within any situation as well as surround ourselves with what inspires us.  Our mystic power is the strength of our personal attunement!

So you can see how matching up Tone Seven with Yellow Warrior today, given we have now read this info, we might be more prepared to tap into these resources.  When faced with a difficult situation there is a chance we might remember to think of tone seven and simply step aside and avoid it completely or if we choose to confront uncharted terrain, we will proceed realizing how our own emotional state needs to remain in balance as the situation may be likely to change our vibrational energy in a heart beat.

All of this is simply working at becoming more aware of what we are doing, as often as possible.  Think before we speak.  Walk with grace. Smile.

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