Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tower of Intention

I may have just a quick note today, it has to do with codes, symbols, repetition of affirmations, Bible verses....

As you will have noticed, I've taken up reading the 13-Moon Calendar.  Today the tone is nine. Without looking at the reference the words came to me "Tower of Intention", the reminder ...what we put our attention on grows stronger in our life.

Ego Above All
No matter what we focus upon, it will begin to influence our everyday thoughts and actions, be it work or play, politics or religion, exercise or couch potato.....How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives.  We are hugely influenced by what we think, see and do...

The key would be to notice and's that workin' for ya?

One of my favorite affirmations Master Your Senses will be the next separate post.

1 comment:

  1. I love intention. I use it daily, weekly and monthly and knowing I have placed the intention really helps me realize my goals.
